
Fund News

Expedition research of the Selenga delta is on progress


Abnormally cold and windy weather makes adjustments to the schedule of planned research at Lake Baikal and the Selenga River delta with ULM. Several research work take-off from the scientific base of the Baikal Institute of Environment SB RAS in Istomino took place on 14 July, but then because of the strong south-western and western wind flights were canceled for three days.

According to the researcher from the Federal Polytechnic school of Lausanne (Switzerland) Josef Akhtman, on 18 July in adverse weather conditions the ULM flew to the planned area of research and to carry out spectral measurements from a height of about 2 km. The studies of the Selenga delta and coastal zone of Lake Baikal in the Kabanskiy region of the republic of Buryatia have been  successful.



The photos are made by the scientists from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne