
Fund News

Expedition “Leman-Baikal” started the practical work at Baikal


On 4-5 July the first technical flights of the ULM took place within the expedition “Trans-Eurasian flight: Leman – Baikal”, and on 6 July the work on the scientific program of the international project started.

Area of current research – is the shoreline of Lake Baikal in Kabanskiy region, the delta of the Selenga River and the surrounding area. Multispectral aerial survey and analysis of the content of particles and aerosols in the air were made from the ULM. In parallel with the ULM water sampling is made from the boat.

The main objectives of the work – are the analysis of water and air pollution, preparation of the detailed spectral maps of chemical and biological quality of the water of Lake Baikal and the Selenga. Such a card will allow in the future to assess the level and composition of water pollution on the basis of survey without the obligatory analysis of samples.